
 It all started back in the Motherland ( Russia ) when I was about 7 years old. I started my fascination with DIY projects in 2nd grade when my classmates used to rock out beaded bracelets of all sorts and kinds. I submerged myself with different beading books and was spending my afternoons creating bracelets, earrings and necklaces. At school, we used to have a competition of who had the "coolest" designs, and I needed to be part of that contest.

Fast forward almost 20 years, and here I was getting married to my college sweetheart in Mexico. I needed to find a pair of wedding shoes for my beach wedding, yet I had no such luck. I stumbled upon a page of Barefoot Sandals and Pinterest and suddenly my childhood flashed before my eyes. I saw beaded barefoot sandals and I thought to myself, "I can definitely make this for my wedding, it would take me 5 minutes." 

Well, it didn't exactly take me 5 minutes, but... I did end up making my own pair of Barefoot Sandals for my wedding. This is how it all started. My obsession for DIY EVERYTHING! I was hooked and my passion for beads came back to life. 

During my college years I loved making posters, scrap books, signs and all sorts of things of such nature. I remember making several oversized birthday cards for my friends. I loved finding new uses for old things and reusing and recycling old materials. Most of all, I loved creating new things. 

I guess the need to create eventually got together with my passion for beads and jewelry. This is how Bare Sandals started. In 2013, I started selling my sandals on Etsy, and had no idea that within a year I would have over 200 orders and would have created well over 350 sandals for women all over the world!

 My passion for DIY projects and all handmade goodies continued to grow. I am constantly inventing new ways of doing things, creating projects or working on something new. This gave me an idea for starting a blog, with focus on my DIY projects.  

I want to share my passion for ALL THINGS DIY with the readers, who will benefit from my simple posts about everyday life hacks and money saving DIY projects. 

Please check back soon for some great DIY projects and ideas for you and your family.

- Anna Aleksandra