Friday, February 28, 2014

Peek Review by User Testing

      A couple of days ago a friend of mine sent me link for a site called "Peek" by User Testing.
What this site did was pretty cool. It asked you to provide a link of a webpage you wanted them to review. What User Testing does is pretty simple and great. They have real people visit your webpages. They check out information on your page and provide you with feedback so you can improve your site / fix bugs and edit how your site looks.

      In order to get a review, you must go to and complete a 2 step process, which asks you for your site's name, and your e-mail. Next, a real person reviews your video and narrates the process by answering different types of questions and prompts.

     You receive your video 1 - 3 days later and you are able to share that video with your friends and family. I think this is a pretty near tool that provides awesome insight on how your webpage looks to other people. You can request a "peek" several time and you will get different responses each time. This is a great tool for all small business owners, especially ETSY sellers.

Check out my peeks at:
